Benefits of Specific Lens Implant: PanOptix®

As people grow older, they are more likely to develop cataracts. As a result, they need to get eye surgery to remove the damaged lens. A PanOptix® lens is a small artificial lens made of hydrophilic acrylic. It replaces the damaged natural lens in your eyes. This lens is used to restore vision when cataracts become severe to the point that it prevents you from seeing clearly.


These lenses are also ideal for individuals who experience blurry vision due to their corneas having an irregular shape. PanOptix lenses are trifocal, meaning that at full range they can correct an individual’s vision both far and up close. The benefits of getting PanOptix lenses include:

Protection From Light


These lenses are made with ultraviolet blue light filtering material. This helps to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays from the sun and blue light from computers and other screens.


Easier Reading


Over the years, the once-before easy task of reading becomes difficult, and older patients may be forced to depend on reading glasses. PanOptix lenses allow for a sharper middle and close vision. This makes reading and up-close tasks, such as writing and sewing, easier.


Improves Vision


Most lenses only allow you to improve your vision to a certain distance. You have to choose whether you want to see up close or far away. With PanOptix lenses, you can see close, intermediate, and far away from all-in-one lens implant. Additionally, the PanOptix lens enhances quality and range so that your vision stays sharp and vivid.


Moreover, PanOptix lenses have a number of concentric lens parts with alternating refractive powers. This is what allows individuals to see varying distances with each eye clearly. They also improve image quality.


Helps to Stay in the Clear


Cataracts cloud the eye’s natural lens, and this prevents light from reaching the retina properly or filtering light getting into the eye. This can be dangerous, especially for a driver who needs brilliant vision. Apart from improving your vision, PanOptix lenses help to stay in the clear. They ensure that you are less bothered by the glare around bright lights. This can make driving at night more comfortable.


Helps the Patient to See Effortlessly


The lenses have no blurry zones. This ensures that you see without straining to focus. Additionally, they have a high definition. This will help make colors more vivid.


Correct and Restore Vision


Cataracts cloud the natural lens, and this is what is blurring your vision. When you get this lens, your vision is restored. Additionally, your vision gets sharper, and this means you are likely to wear glasses less.


It is important to note that not just anyone can get these lenses. To get these lenses, you have to see a qualified ophthalmologist. The doctor will then carry out a thorough evaluation to determine whether you are qualified to get them.


To learn more about PanOptix lenses, call one of our four locations: Shepard Eye Center in Santa Maria (805) 667-0100, Orcutt Eye Center in Orcutt (805) 937-9532, Kendall-Shepard Eye Center in Lompoc (805) 793-1800, or Santa Ynez Valley Eye Care & Surgery in Solvang (805) 410-9998 to book an appointment today.

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